Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA
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Asylum Support

The Asylum Support Program provides information vital to political asylum cases including written affidavits and expert witness testimony. GHRC works with a national network of lawyers, legal clinics, law students and non-profit organizations to help open the door for persons seeking refuge from physical harm and danger in Guatemala.

The Information/Documentation (Info/Doc) Program provides information vital to political asylum cases including written affidavits and expert witness testimony. GHRC works with a national network of lawyers, legal clinics, law students and non-profit organizations to help open the door for persons seeking refuge from physical harm and danger in Guatemala.

Using 20 years of experience and archives, our Info/Doc Program works diligently on political asylum cases for those persecuted and marginalized in Guatemala. In particular, we assist political asylum candidates such as massacre survivors, indigenous persons, children, women, unionists, and community leaders, among others.

GHRC/USA also makes referrals to expert witnesses, academics and professionals who have special expertise on Guatemalan issues. Because proper documentation is so critical to a well presented asylum case, the project provides refugees who have suffered persecution the opportunity to avoid forced deportation.

To request asylum support and view current rates, download a Request Form and return it to Please contact GHRC/USA at (202) 529-6599 for more information.














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3321 12th Street NE, Washington, DC 20017

This site is maintained by the Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA
as a means of informing the general public of the Commission's work
on behalf of the people of Guatemala