November 11, 2008
On October 30, 2008, gunmen arrived at the home of Miguel Arturo Albizures, Vice-President of the human rights media organization COMUNICARTE (Asociación COMUNICARTE). At 8pm they entered his courtyard and opened fire on his house, shooting over 50 bullets. Miguel’s 16 year old son was the only person at home; he took cover and was not injured.
COMUNICARTE produces videos on the internal armed conflict of 1960-1996 and other human rights issues in Guatemala, including public demonstrations by Guatemalan organizations. Several of their videos of mass grave exhumations have been presented as evidence in court for the genocide case and also shown on television.
The safety of Miguel Albizures and his family is at risk.
No longer accepting signatures. This action has been sent.
[Information for this Urgent Action has been taken from Amnesty International and COMUNICARTE. We appreciate their contributions!]
Read the letter GHRC and partners sent to the Guatemalan Attorney General requesting investigation into this attack.
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