GHRC has launched a new quarterly publication!
The Guatemala Human Rights UPDATE, published from 1989 until July of 2008, was the only bi-weekly publication reporting on the human rights situation in Guatemala in English. Without the UPDATE, there would have been no detailed English record of the ongoing atrocities in Guatemala. The newsletter covered assassinations, kidnappings, burglaries, death threats, evictions, and acts of generalized violence that impede the process of peace and development in Guatemala. It also covered Guatemala’s poor education and health records, poverty levels, and US immigration policies that affect Guatemalans in the US.
Read a selection of past UPDATES
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- Send a check, written to "Guatemala Human Rights Commission" with the word "Publication" in the memo line, to GHRC, 3321 12th St. NE, Washington, DC 20017.
- Email ( or fax (202-526-4611) us your Visa or MasterCard information, including type of card, card number, expiration date, name as it appears on card, home address, email address, and subscription preference.
Consider giving the GHRC UPDATE as a gift to your favorite Guatemala lover, or have a persuasive subscription sent to your Congressperson. Thank you for supporting GHRC.
Donations cover only a small percentage of production costs. The Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. CFC #52672
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This site is maintained by the Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA
as a means of informing the general public of the Commission's work
on behalf of the people of Guatemala