Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA
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The Voiceless Speak Fund

A program to assist Guatemalan survivors of human rights abuses
who are residing in the United States

Un programa para apoyar a guatemaltecos/as sobrevivientes de abusos de derechos humanos quienes residen en Estados Unidos.

Voiceless Speak Guidelines
Voiceless Speak Application

Guía de Solicitud de Voiceless Speak (español)
Solicitud de Voiceless Speak (español)

GHRC congratulates the 2011 recipients of the Voiceless Speak Fund award:

Maria Luisa Rosal

Marvyn Perez

Lucia Munoz

Ana Valdez

Adrian Ventura

2010 Publicity and News

November 20, 2010: Recipient Jerónimo Campseco featured in documentary Brother Towns, a film about migration from Guatemala to Florida, and the work of a local community center, El Sol Resource Center, to support the needs of the local immigrant community. [Listen to a World Vision Report on the film and watch the film trailer here.]

November 1, 2010: Recipient Ana Valdez receives the National Center For Children and Families 2011 John F. White Alumni Award for her "unwavering commitment and dedication to rebuilding you and your children's lives." Adding: "Your advocacy for victims and survivors of domestic violence everywhere is powerful beyond measure."

October 27, 2010: Recipient Ana Valdez featured in the Maryland Gazette.


2009 Publicity and News

December 29, 2009: Former recipient Jorge Sactic featured in the Washington Post.

"At a concert in Langley Park featuring Guatemalan country music, the crowd is divisible by headwear, cowboy hats vs. baseball caps. Older immigrants wear the ranch garb of rural Central America; younger ones, the Terps and Nike caps common in suburban Washington.

At the edge of the two-stepping audience, one man stands hatless. Immigrants of all ages approach Jorge Sactic-España to shake hands and pass a few words of Spanish with the man they call Don Jorge or, sometimes, Mayor. [...]" [Read full article]



"With every group with whom we meet, and every presentation we make, we are addressing the fact that the repression and social unrest which continues to occur in Guatemala is a direct result of a larger policy of US domination and hegemony in Latin America... Another major thrust of our work is to develop a public outcry that demands that the former leaders of Guatemala and the military be brought to justice in an international court of law...The money provided to us by the Voiceless Speak grant enabled us to provide for ourselves and our families and to partipate in activities during the week."

- Former Voiceless Speak grant recipients


Voiceless Speak Criteria

Many Guatemalans survivors of human rights abuses have fled to the United States.  They have suffered deeply in many ways, not the least of which is their inability to go back to the their homeland because they would likely face more repression upon returning to Guatemala.

Some Guatemalans who have survived a great deal of suffering and anguish are willing to speak out in the U.S. about their experiences.  Often what prevent them from doing so are financial limitations.

It is for this reason that since 1987 GHRC/USA has encouraged Guatemalans in the US speak truth to power through the Voiceless Speak program.  GHRC provides direct assistance to Guatemalans in the U.S. who:

  • Have suffered human rights abuses in Guatemala;
  • Are in financial need;
  • Are engaged in Guatemala human rights work under the auspices of a human rights group or other appropriate organization, or have demonstrated an ability and desire to do such work.

A selection committee made up of GHRC/USA board members and staff has drawn up guidelines and will administer the grants. Assistance will in no way be considered payment for services to GHRC/USA. GHRC/USA considers applications from Guatemalans living in any part of the country who are working with an organization that publicizes the human rights situation in Guatemala to the U.S. public. GHRC will also consider applications from Guatemalans working in both the US and Guatemala on promotion of human rights; in this case, the grant will be delivered to the US address of the applicant.

In practical terms, this program is meant to help those with personal knowledge of human rights violations in Guatemala relate their experiences to the many in the US who are unaware of the situation, its root causes, and its current conditions.  The funds are to be used by the individual for her or his living expenses and/or those of her or his child(ren).  This may include: rent, food, medical care, child care, English language classes, transportation, etc.


























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This site is maintained by the Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA
as a means of informing the general public of the Commission's work
on behalf of the people of Guatemala