Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA
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El Quetzal, Issue #5

From ‘Drought Causes Famine in Eastern Guatemala’ (page 8)

1. Arevalo, Luis. “ Más familias en riesgo.” La Hora. 26 October 2009. Mozilla Firefox.

2. “Gobierno a erogado Q140 millones en crisis alimentaria.” Prensa Libre. 12 November 2009. Mozilla Firefox.

3. “Guatemala declares hunger crisis.” BBC News. 9 September 2009. Mozilla Firefox.

4. “Fact Sheet: Food Security in America.” USAID, Guatemala. July 2007. Mozilla Firefox.

5. “Guatemala declares hunger crisis.” BBC News. 9 September 2009. Mozilla Firefox.

6. Herrera, Gabriel. “Venezuela dona frijol.” La Hora. 27 October 2009. Mozilla Firefox.

7. “Gobierno a erogado Q140 millones en crisis alimentaria.” Prensa Libre. 12 November 2009. Mozilla Firefox.

8. Ibid.

9. Ibid.

10. Arevalo, Luis. “ Prevén grave crisis en Salud en 2010 por recorte presupuestario.” La Hora. 29 October 2009. Mozilla Firefox.

11. Daniel, Trenton. “Malnutrition rises in drought-stricken Guatemala.” Miami Herald. 15 October 2009. Mozilla Firefox.

El Quetzal, Issue #2

From 'Update on the Femicide Law' (page 3)

This World: Killer’s Paradise. Produced and Directed by Giselle Portenier. Reported by Olenka Frenkiel. Documentary. BBC Two, 2006.

These statistics regarding femicides can be found in various sources, including Prensa Libre, BBC News, U.N. Women Watch, The Atlanta Journal, and articles published by Amnesty International and Guatemala Human Rights Commission.

Erturk, Yakin. “Integration of the human rights of women and the gender perspective: violence against women.” Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences.” Addendum: Mission to Guatemala. United Nations, Commission on Human Rights. Geneva: 10 February 2005.

“Lucha en defensa de las mujeres.” Prensa Libre. 19 January 2009. Internet Explorer. Accessed 9 January 2009.

“Violencia intrafamiliar propicia femicidio, dice estudio.” Prensa Libre. 3 October 2008. Internet Explorer. Accessed 1 February 2009.

“Norma Cruz y el derecho de la mujer; años de lucha por dignidad.” Prensa Libre. 1 February 2009. Internet Explorer. Accessed 3 February 2009.

López, Fredy. “Violencia intrafamiliar induce a mujeres al suicidio afirma defensora de la PDH.” Cerigua. 15 January 2009. Internet Explorer. Accessed 11 February 2009.

“Aplauden primera condena por Ley de Femicidio.” Prensa Libre. 10 February 2009. Internet Explorer. Accessed 11 February 2009. See also “Organizaciones se congratulan por primera sentencia por violencia contra la mujer.” Cerigua. 10 February 2009.

“Ofrece plan contra violencia en el hogar.” Prensa Libre. 26 January 2009. Internet Explorer. Accessed 1 February 2009.













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