Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA
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Guatemala News

Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights
October 18, 2011: Death toll contiues to rise due to heavy rains and flooding in Guatemala
October 17, 2011: Guatemalan government declares 'state of emergency'

Government Corruption
June 29, 2011: The Public Ministry and the CICIG investigate the Social Communications Office of the National Civil Police.
May 31, 2011: The Public Prosecutor's Office Appeals Portillo's Absolution.

October 17, 2011: Two women sentenced for illegal adoption activities
September 29, 2011
: Guatemala to request Temporary Protected Status
June 28, 2011:
Senate hearing on the DREAM (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) Act takes place in Washington, D.C.

Important Cases
August 31, 2011: Five arrested in Plan de Sanchez case
February 21, 2011:
Jennifer Harbury speaks publicly on the case of her husband, Everardo Bámaca.

Justice and Impunity
December 15, 2011: Former military officer and PAC members to be tried for Plan de Sanchez massacre
December 5, 2011
Millions of documents from the national police to be available online
December 2, 2011:
38 supposed guerilla members accused of crimes against humanity

December 9, 2011: Three former Kaibiles to serve in new administration
November 18, 2011
: President-elect Perez Molina meets with U.S. Commander in Chief of SOUTHCOM

Mining and Land Rights
November 28, 2011: Plaza Publica provides a detailed update on the dire situation of the evicted families in the Polochic Valley
October 4, 2011
: Tufts releases extensive study critcizing mining activities in San Marcos by Goldcorp
September 26, 2011: UN Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Peoples denounces extractive projects

Violence Against Women
September 28, 2011: Congress approves resolution 4-2011 urging the state to act with due diligence in cases of femicide
July 27, 2011:
Spain will hear femicide cases from the internal conflict

Violence, Gangs and Narcotrafficking
September 29, 2011: U.S. Ambassador announced commitment to fighting narco-trafficking
June 23, 2011:
Guatemala City hosts SICA/Donor Conference to develop a Central America Citizen Security Strategy.

Guatemalan Media Online:

Prensa Libre


La Hora

Siglo XXI

Plaza Publica

News Organizations:




Other Media:

MiMundo (photo blog)








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This site is maintained by the Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA
as a means of informing the general public of the Commission's work
on behalf of the people of Guatemala