Guatemala Human Rights Commission/ USA
About GHRC
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About GHRC

Welcome — Bienvenidxs


Since its founding in 1982 by Sister Alice Zachmann, GHRC’s work and vision have been guided by a deep commitment to solidarity and a bold approach to advocacy, principles that placed GHRC at the forefront of the international struggle for human rights in Guatemala. For nearly four decades, we have contributed to positive, systemic change: denouncing torture, forced disappearances, massacres, and US involvement in these atrocities; monitoring the implementation of the Peace Accords and developments in US policy toward the region; and addressing patterns of abuses such as violence against women and attacks against human rights defenders. GHRC in 2017 began a project to link legal and human rights experts in Guatemala with the legal and human rights communities in Honduras, facilitating work on key cases, which GHRC’s adept analysis and advocacy in Washington supports.

GHRC consistently has an impact disproportional to an organization of its size.  This impact has been sustained over time through a dedicated staff, enduring partnerships with Guatemalan organizations, and our committed grassroots activist and donor base. Indeed, it is due to your support that we are able to continue growing and evolving to respond to ongoing abuses and the urgent needs of our partners.

To read more, click on the links below.


Desde su fundación en 1982 por la Hermana Alice Zachmann, el trabajo y la visión de GHRC han sido guiados por un compromiso profundo con la solidaridad y una estrategia audaz de incidencia; principios que colocan GHRC en la vanguardia de la lucha internacional por los derechos humanos en Guatemala. Durante tres décadas, hemos contribuido a un cambio positivo y sistémico: denunciando tortura, desapariciones forzadas, masacres y el involucramiento de los EE.UU. en estas atrocidades; monitoreando la implementación de los Acuerdos de Paz; y confrontando patrones de abuses tales como la violencia contra las mujeres y los ataques contra defensoras y defensores de derechos humanos.

De forma constante, GHRC ha tenido un impacto desproporcional al de una organización de su tamaño. Este impacto ha sido sostenido tras el tiempo por un personal dedicado, alianzas duraderas con organizaciones guatemaltecas y nuestra base comprometida de activistas y donantes. Efectivamente, es su apoyo que nos ha permitido seguir creciendo y evolucionando para responder a abusos continuos y las necesidades urgentes de nuestras contrapartes.

Para leer más, haga clic en los vínculos a continuación. 


Mission, Vision, and Values

History and Timeline

Staff and Board of Directors

Our Partners

In the News

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