Guatemala Human Rights Commission/ USA
Alice Zachmann Defenders Fund
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Alice Zachmann Defenders Fund

In 1982, Sister Alice Zachmann established GHRC and embarked on what is now a 42-year endeavour to defend and advance human rights in Guatemala. From day one, Alice and GHRC have been dedicated to documenting and reporting the situation on the ground, as well as supporting the work of human rights defenders.

Responding to the increasing needs of defenders, the Alice Zachmann Human Rights Defenders Fund allows us to offer direct support to individuals in Guatemala who face grave risk as they work to protect human rights. Through the fund, we relocate human rights defenders under extreme threat, provide legal accompaniment and assistance to criminalized defenders and others in danger, and meet other urgent needs of defenders, their families, and their organizations.

Please join GHRC in our efforts to protect the rights of vulnerable communities, activists, and human rights defenders in Guatemala.


The Alice Zachmann Human Rights Defenders Fund expands the resources that GHRC can offer to community leaders and activists facing threats of criminalization and violence at the hands of the state and powerful economic interests. The fund increases GHRC’s ability to offer emergency assistance to defenders working for justice, the environment, freedom of speech, and other fundamental human rights.