- April 8, 2020: The Covid-19 crisis in Guatemala and Honduras: as the pandemic takes root, hunger is already growing
- January 15, 2020: No Relief in Sight: Alejandro Giamattei appears to be new face backed by the same criminal networks
- August 30, 2019: Press Release: New Report on David Castillo, indicted for Berta Caceres’ murder, shows pattern of criminal activities in companies operating in Honduras — and — The Full Report PDF Download Here
- August 20, 2019: Presidential election marks highest percentage of citizen abstentian in Guatemala since the signing of the 1996 peace accords
- June 18, 2019: Guatemala’s June 16 General Elections: Parties implicated in corruption will face off for the presidency, dominate congress, Strongest showing yet by opposition parties
- May 20, 2019: Constitutional Court rulings end presidential candidacies for anti-corruption campaigner and genocide denier
- April 22, 2019: Report on the first day of the trial of Maya Q’eqchi land defender Abelino Chub Caal
- December 20, 2018: Statement on the double assassination, physical aggression, and the dangerous situation faced by communities in the Ixquisis region
- November 29, 2018: Seven Guilty of the Murder Berta Caceres: Court Signal Intellectual Authors Still at Large
- November 27, 2018: Preliminary Observations: GHRC Observation of the Trial for the Murder of Berta Caceres
- August 2, 2018: Juana Raimundo, CODECA leader, killed:Indigenous woman leader tortured and assassinated in Guatemala: Latest in alarming trend of targeted killings
- July 25, 2018: Berta Caceres Trial To Begin: Take Action – Berta Caceres Trial Begins- Evidentiary hearing scheduled amid concerns that the prosecutor is undermining the case by withholding evidence
- July 11, 2018: 29 Members of congress express concern for indigenous land rights and defender killings to US Ambassador to Guatemala Luis Arreaga
- June 12, 2018: Fuego Volcano Update: Golfers evacuated while poor died in superheated ash clouds, Congress promotes impunity
- June 11, 2018: Defender Killed: Santa Maria Xalapan Community Vice President of CODECA
- May 24, 2018: GHRC Condemns US Embassy pressure on the Guatemalan Constitutional Court to rule against indigenous Xinca communities right to consultation on mining
- May 9, 2018: U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee suspends U.S. funding to International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG)
- May 8, 2018: GHRC Statement on President Morales’ Appointment of Judge Consuelo Porras Agueta de Porres as Guatemala’s new Attorney Genera
- April 27, 2018: Land Defense Lawyer Carlos Hernandez Murdered in Arizona, Honduras
- April 27, 2018: Judge finds Mayor who disregarded Lenca communities’ rejection of the Agua Zarca dam ‘Not Guilty” of Abuse of Authority
- April 24, 2018: 14 months after his wrongful arrest, Polochic Valley Land Right Defender Abelino Chub has a hearing to determine if he will be released from prison
- April 6, 2018: (English) We Urge Guatemala to Prioritize Armed Conflict Cases (Spanish) Exhortamos a Guatemala A Priorizar los Casos del Conflicto Armado
- April 4, 2018: (English) The Ixil People Will Continue to Seek Justice (Spanish) El Pueblo Ixil Seguira Exigiendo Justicia
- May 24, 2016: (English) International Organizations Reiterate Support for Rule of Law and the Communities of the Puya| (Español) Organizaciones internacionales reiteran su apoyo al Estado de Derecho y a las comunidades de la Puya
- April 18, 2016: (English) Molina Theissen case represents historic opportunity for justice | (Español) Caso Molina Theissen representa oportunidad histórica para encontrar justicia
- March 29, 2016: Organizaciones internacionales expresan preocupación sobre el reinicio del caso por genocidio
- March 2, 2016: (English) International organization applaud the sentence that condemns the men responsible in the Sepur Zarco sexual slavery case | (Español) Organizaciones internacionales aplauden sentencia que condena a dos responsables en el caso de esclavitud sexual Sepur Zarco
- February 1, 2016 (English): International organizations applaud the initiation of the first trial for sexual slavery and violence during the armed conflict in Guatemala: The Sepur Zarco Case | (Español) Organizaciones internacionales celebran el inicio del primer juicio por violencia y esclavitud sexual durante el conflicto armado en Guatemala: caso Sepur Zarco
- January 8, 2016 (English) Stop the Raids and Focus Instead on US Policy Toward Central America | (Español) Organizaciones Exigen un Alto a las Redadas y Cambios en la Politica Estadounidense Hacia Centroamerica
- November 30, 2015 (English): Global Coalition of NGOs Calls for Investigation Into Murder of Environmental Activist Involved in Palm Oil Case | (Español) Coalición de Organizaciones Internacionales Hacen Un Llamado Para Investigar Asesinato de Defensor Ambiental Involucrado en Caso de Palma Africana
- November 12, 2015 Alarming Developments in Palm Oil Industry in Latin America Spur Global Call To Action For Palm Oil Traders
- September 24, 2015: GHRC Congratulates Founder Sr. Alice Zachmann
- September 17, 2015 (English): GHRC Announces the 2015 Recipient of the Alice Zachmann Human Rights Award: Prensa Comunitaria | (Español) El Premio Alice Zachmann para Defensores de Derechos Humanos de 2015: Prensa Comunitaria
- August 3, 2015: Over 2,200 Individuals Call for US Mining Company to Suspend Illegal Operations at the El Tambor Mine in Guatemala
- July 9, 2015: Human rights advocates to Senate: Central American aid package could violate internationally-protected refugee rights
- June 4, 2015: Human rights organizations applaud UN decision to renew mandate of International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala | Organizaciones de derechos humanos acogen favorablemente decisión de la ONU de renovar el mandato de la CICIG
- January 9, 2015: Organizaciones Internacionales Se Pronuncian Frente a la Suspensión del Proceso por Genocidio en Guatemala
- December 24, 2015: Derecho Guatemalteco e Internacional Prohiben la Aplicación de Amnistía a los Crimenes Contra la Humanidad y a Genocidio
- July, 2014 (English): GHRC Announces the 2014 recipient of Alice Zachmann Human Rights Defenders Award: The Guatemalan Human Rights Law Firm | (Spanish):GHRC anuncia que el Premio Alice Zachmann para Defensores de Derechos Humanos de 2014 será otorgado al Bufete Jurídico de Derechos Humanos
- July, 2014: GHRC Statement on Child Migration from Guatemala
- June 3, 2014: World Bank Asked to Delay Funding to Guatemala Until Reparations Plan Is Implemented for Chixoy Dam Victims
- March 4, 2014: GHRC Statement on the Death of Supreme Court Justice César Barrientos (English, Español)
- February 12, 2014: (Español): Organizaciones Internacionales Llaman a Respetar el Estado de Derecho e Instan a Realizar Procesos Transparentes en las Comisiones de Postulación (English): International Organizations Call for Respect for the Rule of Law and Urge Transparency in the Nominating Commission Processes
- October 23, 2013: Guatemalan Constitutional Court Ruling Could Impede Justice.
- December 13, 2012: GHRC reiterates in-admisibility of amnesty for crimes against humanity (es)
- June 21, 2012: GHRC Expresses Support for the Community of Rio Negro
- June 15, 2012: GHRC Condemns Assassination Attempt of Yolanda Oquelí / GHRC denuncia atentado contra Yolanda Oquelí
- June 4, 2012: GHRC Denounces the Closure of the Peace Archives Directorate / GHRC denuncia clausura de los Archivos de la Paz
- April 9, 2012: GHRC Presents Open Letter in Support of Campesino Marchers
- February 7, 2012: GHRC and Partners Call for Actions to Protect Human Rights in Guatemala
- November 28, 2011: U.S. Ambassador Responds to GHRC Coalition Letter and October 31: GHRC and Partners Send Sign-on Letter to Ambassador Chacon in Guatemala.
- October 30, 2011: GHRC Denounces Failure to Comply with Inter-American Commission Measures
- August 31, 2011: GHRC Publicly Denounces Policy of Violent Evictions
- July 6, 2011: GHRC Files Torture Complaint against Otto Perez Molina.
- September 6, 2011: GHRC Protests Visas for War Criminals