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For Women's Right to Live
Spring Speaker's Tour with Sandra Moran

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Women Confronting Violence and Impunity in Guatemala


Sandra Morán recently completed a two week-long Speaking Tour, hosted by the Guatemala Human Rights Commission. Ms. Morán is a recognized activist for human rights, and has worked with the Guatemalan women’s and feminist movement for the past 20 years. She is one of the founding members of the Women’s Sector, an alliance of 33 women’s organizations, and the founder of the first Guatemalan lesbian collective. (Read a more detailed bio.)

Ms. Morán spoke at 19 venues in four states on the east coast, spreading her message of women’s empowerment. During the tour, Ms. Morán covered such topics as violence against women and impunity in Guatemala, the Guatemalan women and LGBTQ movement, as well as women’s incarceration and challenges for criminal justice reform in Guatemala. She also shared her poetry and artwork, which form an integral part of her work with Colectivo Artesana —a non-profit organization which contributes to the organization of women in Guatemala, and seeks to prevent violence against women, while healing victims of such violence through art.

Ms. Morán also performed some poetry, accompanied by her drumming.

Learn more about Ms. Morán’s work and her message to communities in the US:

Contact the Women’s Sector and the Artisan Collective:

Sector de Mujeres

5ta. Calle 3-20, Zona 1

Guatemala City, Guatemala

Tels: (502) 2251-4840,  2238-1658  


Colectivo Artesana

Casa Artesana

2da. Calle 5-28, Zona 1

Guatemala City, Guatemala

Tels: (502) 5415-5995, 4269-5632



Visit the Casa Artesana as part of GHRC's upcoming delegation focused on violence against women in Guatemala! Apply by May 30, 2011.


Dolor histórico

by Hilda Morales Trujillo


Alcémonos para que comprendan que no es una sola

Que todas unidas formamos la mitad del mundo y la mitad del cielo

Que estamos dispuestas a levantar muros contra la violencia

Y hacer nuevas reglas para que nuestros hijos hombres

Rompan la cadena ancestral de golpear y golpear

Que no aprendan a matar la ternura y dignidad de nuestras hijas, nietas y bisnietas.


Historic Pain

By Hilda Morales Trujillo


Let’s rise up so they understand it isn’t just one woman

That united we form half of the earth and half of the sky

That we are ready to raise walls against the violence

And create new norms so that our sons

Break the ancestral chain of beating and beating

So they do not learn to kill the tenderness and dignity of our daughters, granddaughters, and great-granddaughters.



Read about our past speaker's tours here.









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on behalf of the people of Guatemala